TiTo Salazar - Facilities and Traffic Manager/Certified COVID Compliance Officer
Tech-Mayan Hermenegildo Salazar, known simply as TiTo, hails from Concepcion Solola, Guatemala. From an early age, TiTo was fascinated by electronics and computers. His first tech challenge was taking apart, modifying, and reassembling video arcades. He eventually amassed a fleet of 27 machines and became their gatekeeper and coin collector. When he arrived in the US as a teenager, he began his living working in restaurants. His first tech job was as Wiring Guru Extraordinaire for Video Box Studios, where he met Mark Holden, now owner of The Invisible Studios. Mark was so impressed with his speed and ingenuity, he asked him to join forces for the good of technical mankind. When he’s not underneath a rack or stuck in a console, you might see him zooming about Hollywood in his famed green Mini Cooper. Zoom.